Preparatory Courses for Admission to Government Schools (Secondary 2)

Course Structure

The Admission Exercise for International Students (AEIS) is a centralised admission exercise conducted by Ministry of Education (MOE) in the month of September or October each year for new international students who intend to join the mainstream primary and secondary schools in January of the following year.

The AEIS consists of a centralised test on English and Mathematics that will assess the applicants’ English literacy, numeracy and reasoning abilities. Admission is not guaranteed, and is subject to the applicant’s performance in the test. If successful, placement will depend on available vacancies and the applicant’s declared residential area in Singapore.

The Furen International School (FIS) Preparatory Courses for Admission to Government Schools (Secondary 1-3) are designed and developed to prepare students for the AEIS Examination. Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to sit for the AEIS Examination to gain entry into the local schools, where they intend to pursue their studies for Secondary 1, Secondary 2 or Secondary 3.

Core Modules

English Language

The aim of the English module is to develop effective language use based on MOE English Language syllabus.

Pupils’ language use is reflected in the following areas of language learning:

  • Listening and Viewing
  • Reading and Viewing
  • Speaking and Representing
  • Writing and Representing
  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary


The aim of the Mathematics module is to develop the following based on MOE Mathematics syllabus. Mathematical concepts cover numerical, algebraic, geometrical, statistical, probabilistic, and analytical concepts. Students should develop and explore the mathematics ideas in depth, and observe that Mathematics is an integrated whole, not merely an isolated piece of knowledge. They should be given a variety of learning experiences to help them develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, and to make sense of various mathematical ideas, as well as their  connections and applications, in order to participate actively in learning Mathematics and to become more confident in exploring and applying Mathematics. The use of manipulative (concrete materials), practical work, and use of technological aids should be part of the learning experiences of the students.

Scope of study

All lessons will be conducted following Preparatory Courses for Admission to Government Schools (AEIS) (Secondary 2) course structure designed by FIS.


This is a 6-month, full-time course with all lessons held on campus. There are 6 contact hours per school day, 5 days per week for a total of 30 contact hours per week.

Entry Requirements


At least 13 years of age as at 1st January on the year of course commencement.

Academic Requirement

Completed at least Singapore Secondary 1 education or equivalent, and obtained a pass in an English subject at Singapore Secondary 1 level or equivalent in country of origin.

Course Commencement Date

There are two intakes for this course. This course commences on 1st April and 1st October of each year. If either of those dates fall on a Saturday or Sunday, the course shall commence on the first Monday after that date.

Furen International School reserves the right to cancel a class/or programme if the minimum number of students enrolled is less than 15. Students may then choose to enrol for a later intake, if any, or withdraw from the course. For refund, please refer to our Refund Policy.

Late Enrolment

Furen International School is able to consider late enrolment after commencement of course on a case-by-case basis.

Course Delivery Mode

Face-to-face lectures, tutorials, discussions

Course Fees

Full-Time 6 months
Course Fee S$1300/ month
FPS Insurance Protection Fee 1.35% of the course fee
GST 9% of the above total
Damage Recovery Pledge (Refundable) S$500
Total Course Fee  S$9,116.78

N.B External exam fees are subject to external exam official website.

Above table shows the school fee for course intakes from 2024.

Click Here to see the Miscellaneous Fees Table.

Assessment Methods

Internal Assessment

There will be monthly tests for teachers to examine students’ level of understanding. These tests will include content covered during the month. If there is a gap in learning, such as school term-break, then the topic will be revisited and a short test will be given to see if the topic has been clearly understood.

There will be a major examination (i.e. Final Examination) in the month of February and September which will be in line with the actual examination. Students will be graded accordingly and further gaps in learning will be looked into.

Internal Assessment Mode

Written Exams
