Diploma in International Education

Course Structure

The Diploma in International Education course held by Furen International School is designed and developed to prepare students, who are in the final year of study in the faculty of English language to have a clearer picture of the evolving trend of international education.

International education refers to a dynamic concept that involves a journey or movement of people, minds, or ideas across political and cultural frontiers. It is facilitated by the globalization phenomenon, which increasingly erases the constraints of geography on economic, social and cultural arrangements. The concept involves a broad range of learning, covering, for instance, formal education and informal learning (e.g. training, exchange programs, cross-cultural communication).

The target audiences of the course are the final year undergraduate students from Faculty of Foreign Languages with a specialisation in English Language.

Upon the successful completion of the course, students are expected to have a deeper understanding of the concept of international education, its challenges, and possibilities. They are also expected to possess the essential teaching and comprehension skills in delivering English-medium courses for those who are preparing for Examinations like TOEFL and IELTS.

Core Modules

Introduction to International Education’s Examinations

This module will expose students to the latest trend of international education and introduce the various types of examinations such as CIE, AP, IB and ACT. Students will also learn about the registration process of an international education examination center and application procedures on students sitting for international education examinations. This module will also introduce Top universities in the world (based on QS ranking) and recognition accorded to international education examinations

Introduction to English Language in International Education

This module will zoom into IELTS and TOEFL examination. Students will be learning the various types of questions in the English Language exam and the appropriate answering skills in response to the questions. Students will also learn on how to teach the IELTS as an instructor.


In this module, students will be partnering a Teacher in the teaching of CIE English Language at IGCSE and A-Level levels. They may also be partnering a Teacher in the teaching of IELTS. The instructor will monitor and advise on the pedagogical skills of the students.

This module offers a theoretical and practical framework in which students can learn and apply different concepts, techniques, theories and methodologies in the classroom. They are also able to get hands-on experience as a language assistant in a bilingual school in an international context.

During practicum, student teachers are mentored and guided by experienced English and IELTS teachers of FIS through systematic observations, assistance and advice. They will have opportunities to become involved with, and actively participate in all aspects of the school’s activities. Through these experiences they will learn to link theory and practice, and to acquire the understanding and skills necessary for teaching effectively in a range of classroom situations.

Scope of study

All lessons will be conducted following Diploma in International Education course structure designed by Furen International School.


This is a 6-month, full-time course with all lessons held on campus. There are 4 contact hours per school day, 5 days per week for a total of 20 contact hours per week.

Entry Requirements


At least 18 years of age as at 1st January on the year of course commencement.

Academic Requirement

Completed at least Year 3 of university education (bachelor program) with an English language specialization

Course Commencement Date

There are two intakes for this course. This course commences on 2nd January and 1st July of each year. If either of those dates fall on a Saturday or Sunday, the course shall commence on the first Monday after that date.

Furen International School reserves the right to cancel a class/or programme if the minimum number of students enrolled is less than 15. Students may then choose to enrol for a later intake, if any, or withdraw from the course. For refund, please refer to our Refund Policy.

Late Enrolment

Furen International School is able to consider late enrolment after commencement of course on a case-by-case basis.

Course Delivery Mode

Face-to-face lectures, tutorials, discussions, Practicum

Course Fees

Full-Time 6 months
Course Fee S$1000/ month
FPS Insurance Protection Fee 1.35% of the course fee
GST 9% of the above total
Damage Recovery Pledge (Refundable) S$500
Total Course Fee  S$7,128.29

N.B External exam fees are subject to external exam official website.

Above table shows the school fee for course intakes from 2024.

Click Here to see the Miscellaneous Fees Table.

Assessment Methods

Internal Assessment

There is no examinations for the Course. Students will be assessed by their performance in group project, individual assignment and Practicum.

Internal Assessment Mode

Group project

Individual assignment

