About SSG / Edutrust

The SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) Board carries out functions and powers relating to private education under the Private Education Act. The SSG regulates the sector, provides student services, consumer education and facilitates capability development efforts to uplift standards in the local private education industry.

The EduTrust Certification Scheme (EduTrust) is a quality assurance scheme administered by the SSG for Private Education Institutions (PEIs) in Singapore. The scheme provides a means for better PEIs to differentiate themselves as having achieved higher standards in key areas of management and provision of educational services.

Address: 1 Paya Lebar Link
#08-08 Paya Lebar Quarter 2
Singapore 408533
Tel: (65) 6785 5785

Operating Hours: Monday to Friday: 8.30am – 5.30pm
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday: Closed
